Fri. Jan 10th, 2025

School Shootings

Kyle Smith | Posted May 31, 2022 1:00 PM

I don’t believe democrats and RINOs really want to stop school shootings, I believe they want to use schools shootings to get more lobbying money.  But if they did, here is what I would suggest.

Unions and the liberals that run the school systems are very dug in on opposing any attempt to reform the education system. They want the status quo because they control it.  And it is very profitable for them.   We basically teach our children just like they did in 1880.  With a teacher in the front of a class of about 20 to 30 students using a chalk board or now maybe a white board. 

We can leverage the internet to create a new model where there are not actual school buildings and few actual “teachers”.  Sure they have “computer labs” and all that now, but that is not what I am talking about. I am suggesting pre-recorded classes that anyone (parents especially) can audit at any time they want to.   Children will be able to login from anywhere they have internet and “take” their classes on their own schedule.  There would be “teachers” available via live chat to answer any questions a student might have about the subject being taught that they do not understand.

I know what you are thinking; what about all of those parents that either both work, or there is only one parent in the household?  For those parents with young children there will be buildings (libraries, rec centers,  etc.) with adult supervision and internet access that those parents can drop off their kids at.  The adults there would be paid only to watch the children, not teach them.  Everyone else can learn from anywhere they want. It can be more efficient in so many ways. The cost savings are through the roof. Oh, and as a big side benefit there would be no more school shootings.   You might ask why the killer won’t just go to one of those buildings and do the shooting?  The answer is because there is more than one places to go to school now, and there are no specific class times anymore.  So there is no real target anymore.

But that is IF our current leaders actually wanted to do anything about school shootings, which they do not.