Truth 2 power 4 U is an attempt to disseminate information and news to whomever would like to edify themselves.
With the understanding that the responsibility of discerning content must always be put on the receiver and never the purveyor, or any third party. It is up to you to decide who is telling you the truth.
How we do things
Basically 5 corporations control over 90% of the media in the USA. Our only rule is; we post stories from news and editorial sites that are NOT owned by any of these 5 corporations. It is just that simple.
AT&T = CNN, Time Warner, HBO and others
Disney = ABC, ESPN, Pixar, Lucas Films and others
National Amusements = CBS, Paramount, BET, MTV and others
News Corp = Fox, WSJ, Sky News, NY Post and others
Comcast = NBC, MSNBC, USA, Universal studios and others